
Diamond Ring

Diamond Pendant

Diamond Pendant

Diamond Necklace

Diamond Necklace

Diamond Nose Ring

Diamond Nose Ring


Why is diamond very expensive?

Diamond are very expensive because they are highly prized  for their beauty , durability and making efforts of diamond and it ‘ s take a long time to form deep inside the ground .

What is diamond carat weight?

Diamond carat weight refers to the measurement of a diamond’s size based on its actual weight. 200 miligrams is one carat, and units less than that are expressed in points, where 100 points is equivalent to one carat

How do I care for my diamond jewelry?

To care of your diamond jewelery , regularly clean it using mild soap and clean warm water , avoiding the harsh chemicals . To avoid scratching, keep your diamond jewellery apart from your other jewellery.

How can I test my diamond at home?

The best way examine your diamond at home use the water test . it is a simple process As simple as it seems, at home, fill a glass of water to about three-quarters full. Drop the stone into the water after separating it so that it is loose. Because diamonds are so thick, a real gem will always sink to the bottom.